This classroom quiz is not intended to be a formal teaching aid but provides a fun and interesting way for both primary and secondary school students to learn more about the 2/33rd Australian Infantry Battalion and the important role it played in helping bring an end to World War II and restoring world peace. The quiz is broken into sections relating to the Battalion’s formation in England in 1940 and the six subsequent major campaigns, against the Vichy French in Syria and against the Japanese in Papua New Guinea and Borneo. These were the Owen Stanley Ranges (Kokoda), Lae, Ramu Valley, Shaggy Ridge and Balikpapan. Clicking on any of the headings below will show the questions relating to that part of the Battalion’s history.

To answer the questions, click History at the top of the page then select the story in the index with the information needed. To see the set answers return to Classroom Quizz, scroll to the bottom of the page and click View Answers.



  • 1. Q: When did World War II start and why?
  • 2. Q: Who was the British Prime Minister when war was declared?
  • 3. Q: Who was Australian Prime Minister?
  • 4. Q: What was the result of his appeal?
  • 5. Q: How did the 2nd AIF troops get to Britain?


  • 1. Q: Where was the 2/33rd Battalion formed in England and why?
  • 2. Q: How many officers and men did the Battalion have on formation?
  • 3. Q: What are the colours in the Battalion’s shoulder patch and what is it called?
  • 4. Q: When, where and who fired the Battalion’s fire shots of the war?
  • 5. Q: How long did the Battalion remain in England and when and why did it leave?


  • 1. Q: Where did the Battalion go after leaving England?
  • 2. Q: Who were the Vichy French?
  • 3. Q: How long did it take to defeat the Vichy French?
  • 4. Q: The Vichy French had mounted cavalry. What were they called?
  • 5. Q: Why was the Battalion brought home after the Syrian campaign and who gave the order?


  • 1. Q: Did the Japanese bomb parts of Australia and if so when and where?
  • 2. Q: Where was the 2/33rd Battalion on the day of that first bombing of Darwin?
  • 3. Q: While at Caboolture the Battalion was involved in the start of work on the Brisbane line. What was the Brisbane line?
  • 4. Q: What important training did the Battalion undertake while at Caboolture?
  • 5. Q: Where and when was the 2/33rd Battalion first called into action against the Japanese after arriving home in Australia?


  • 1. Q: What was the first thing the soldiers had to do before starting out on the Kokoda Trail?
  • 2. Q: The soldiers had to climb two steep ridges before reaching the frontline. What were they named ?
  • 3. Q: Why was climbing the ridges so difficult? What were the major hazards the soldiers had to overcome on the Kokoda Trail, apart from having to fight the Japanese?
  • 4. Q: After reaching the frontline of the fighting on Ioribaiwa Ridge, the Battalion and other troops were ordered to fall back to Imita Ridge and create a defensive line. Why?
  • 5. Q: How long was the 2/33rd Battalion involved in the fighting on the Kokoda Trail?


  • 1. Q: What was the most important single battle for the 2/33rd on the Kokoda Trail?
  • 2. Q: Why was winning the battle of Myola Ridge so important?
  • 3. Q: What other major battles did the 2/33rd win during the Kokoda campaign?
  • 4. Q: What were the battalion’s casualties and losses during the Kokoda campaign?
  • 5. Q: Where did the Battalion go after being withdrawn from action at Gona?


  • 1. Q: Where did the Battalion go to for rest and rebuilding after the Kokoda campaign?
  • 2. Q: What was the Battalion’s next challenge?
  • 3. Q: What was the plan of attack to recapture Lae?
  • 4. Q: What dramatic event took place in preparation for the airlift?
  • 5. Q: What other even more dramatic and tragic event took place beforehand?


  • 1. Q: When and why did the Liberator crash occur?
  • 2. Q: What was the aftermath of the crash?
  • 3. Q: How many soldiers and others were killed or injured?
  • 4. Q: What happened after the crash?
  • 5. Q: What caused the crash?


  • 1. Q: When did the Australian troops start the attack to recapture Lae?
  • 2. Q: What Japanese opposition did they face before re-capturing Lae?
  • 3. Q: What other forces were involved in recapturing Lae?
  • 4. Q: What was the 2/33rd Battalion’s next move?
  • 5. Q: What were two of the worst natural dangers in the Ramu Valley?


  • 1. Q: What was Shaggy Ridge and why was it so difficult to capture?
  • 2. Q: How was Shaggy Ridge finally captured?
  • 3. Q: What was The Knoll, and what happened there?
  • 4. Q: What part did disease play during the Ramu Valley campaign?
  • 5. Q: How long did the Lae and Ramu Valley campaigns in New Guinea last? At the end of the campaigns the Battalion returned to the Atherton Tablelands. Where is Atherton and what did the Battalion do there?


  • 1. Q: Why was the Battalion out of action for 11 months after returning from New Guinea?
  • 2. Q: What was the Battalion’s final action of World War II?
  • 3. Q: What part did the 2/33rd play?
  • 4. Q: What happened after the war ended on August 10, 1945?
  • 5. Q: When was the Battalion disbanded?